Shteigers Application

Welcome to Shteigers!

This application should take about 20 minutes to complete, and before you hit submit, you’ll watch a short video.

By filling out this form, you’ll be applying to all of Shteigers’ amazing subprograms, including Discover U, TorahMates, ChillZone, and our financial aid package.

Please note that due to the large number of applicants, submission of application does not guarantee acceptance.

Before you start, be sure to have the following information and files handy:

  • ✈️ Passport number (if you have one)
  • 📷 Picture of applicant and applicant’s parents
  • 📚 Your most recent report card
  • 💸 Israel school Information, including tuition information (if you already applied)

If you encounter any questions along the way, feel free to reach out to us directly at — we’re here to help!

Let’s get started!

Have you ever received tuition assistance from Oorah?
Please enter a value with a valid file (image or pdf).

Additional Family Information
Do you have siblings?
Are you affiliated with a synagogue?

Most recent School
Please choose your school from the dropdown. If your school is not on this list, please choose Other, and specify in the "other" field.
If you do not have your report card at this time, you may email it instead to Please do so as soon as possible, as this application cannot be processed without the applicant’s report card.
Israel Yeshiva/Seminary
Yeshiva/Seminary Advisor
Are you applying for your first year in yeshiva/seminary in Israel?

School’s Israeli Address

School’s American Address

School Contact

If you don't have the exact amount, please estimate.

Reference 1
Reference 2

Did you ever attend a Jewish overnight camp?
Medical Information
Are you currently taking any prescribed medications?
Do you have a history of any medical or psychological conditions?
Do you have a history of anxiety, depression and/or eating disorders?
Additional Information

Please submit your credit card information below. The DiscoverU summer experience is FREE.

Once your application has been processed and you have been accepted, you will be able to withdraw any time before June 1st 2025.

If you are accepted and then withdraw after June 1st 2025, your credit card will be charged a $300 cancellation fee.

We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover.

Credit Card Information
Invalid credit card number.
Please provide a valid expiration date.
Invalid CVC.

Upon acceptance to Oorah Shteigers you will automatically:

Receive a TorahMate

Be registered for ChillZone and be eligible to earn the monthly stipend

Be registered for the annual Shteigers ShabbaZone

You’re almost done! Watch the next quick video in order to proceed.